Hello, my name's Aaron. I'm living life at the momment and it's going quite nice. Except, I have a few questions. So I'm not a very content person. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'd shrivel and die if I didn't tug at--and pull away--the heavy cloths drapped onver reality. I study the world, as carefully and logically as posible, through science, peeling back its countless strands of overlapping occurrences, and, events that've taken place through the long steady passage of time; obscureing our origins. Talk about a run-off sentence I say. All of which happens as I go thoughout a brand new day, prancing through my immaginations, pretending to be paying attention. I've recluded inside and am planning to make myself as small as possible, to reach some sort of balance, and be shown the light. I look for genuine, honest, and intelligent people to try have awesome conversations about anything. I wonder if there is a warm truth hidden behind everyday life? The very thing that allows for thoughts and galaxies. It must all fit together in the end. I feel alienated to the grooves of society, and a kin to a fucking rainbow or a stormy night. More like a feather on a hat than a jewel on a crown, I weigh in at about 155 lbs (more to be gained in muscle.. let's see how that goes) and can play a pocket pair like you wouldn't believe. The number 109 has been stalking me since I wa a child. I don't think we're ever going to really know anything and I swear to you that a great big tidal wave is gonna take me away someday. I want to see thee greatest mystery, that great unreachable, and follow it home.

I don't know if I will ever understand, but that doesn't matter. I'm in it for the ride. The "ride of a lifetime" you could say. And, I guess I'll post whatever progress I make.. if any.

I begin with Radiohead's "Let Down". A marvelous interplay of dark spakled melodies. Play it louder Radiohead.